barrier penetration

美 [ˈbæriər ˌpenəˈtreɪʃn]英 [ˈbæriə(r) ˌpenəˈtreɪʃn]
  • 势垒穿透
barrier penetrationbarrier penetration
  1. The Barrier Penetration Model has been used to calculate the heavy ion fusion cross section and it does give a good description of the experimental data in existence .


  2. Intermolecular electron transfer , which is known to play usually a dominant role in photoelectric conversion processes , is regarded as an electronic intermolecular barrier penetration process .


  3. Computer Simulation of Dynamic Stochastic Process of Potential Barrier Penetration


  4. An experimental study on the blood-prostate barrier penetration of silicon nanoparticles


  5. Predicting blood-brain barrier penetration of drugs by polar molecular surface area and molecular volume


  6. Monte Carlo computer simulation on one-by-one electron diffraction around double cylinders and potential barrier penetration


  7. This paper demonstrates the dynamic and stochastic process of the potential barrier penetration of microcosmic particle , based on Monte Carlo method and the transmission coefficient of microcosmic particle potential barrier penetration , by using the programming and visualization of Matlab .


  8. Based on the one dimensional barrier penetration model , a new model is built to connect the peripheral reaction with the fusion reaction and take account of the effects of nuclear static deformation and dynamic polarization , namely deformation and energy dependent multi dimensional barrier penetration model .


  9. Method : Using rabbit skin as transdermal barrier , the penetration percentage of diclofenac sodium in different concentrations of 1 menthol were determined with two cells diffusion apparatus in vitro .


  10. It was found that the back skin of SD rat was a suitable model of human skin and the stratum corneum was the main barrier to the penetration of BLA .


  11. At the beginning of electrolysis , the sodium penetrating the TiB_2 coating cathode mostly gathers in coating . The TiB_2 coating also is a barrier to the sodium penetration .
